Friday, February 7, 2014

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On Friday, February 7th 2014, CNN NEWS did a article on how Republicans slam the president job report. The argument was that Americans where wondering where the jobs in the nation were. You had 113,000 jobs available at the end of January, when economist said it was suppose to be 178,000. The reason why its dropping so low is because Americans are dropping out of the labor force. Over half the country over the age of sixteen was in the labor market, either they had one job or couldn't find one. The Republican Committee used the job report to judge Obamacare for it being at a low mark. If American was gonna be strong and have full employed workforce, it had to get rid of Obamacare because the American people couldn't afford it. The White house respond by saying they will defend their policies, but having more action needed. Overall America has added 8.5 millions the last 47 months, but still healing from the Great Recession.

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